Dec 25, 2020

Devil of Cat


God jul! Have a cat map. Random encounters in the comment section if you please.


  1. 1. Undead half-mouse. Roll any die to decide if it is the (even) front half or (odd) back half.

  2. 2. Out of control war yarn (4d4 crushing damage; if even result, you must chase it as well!)

  3. 3. Half-digested... something. Grab any monster book, flip to a random page, and pick the first creature on that page. That creature has been brought in, chewed up, and left to die. It only has 1 hit point, health level, or whatever, but is really quite angry and will attack anything that comes near, even if they are trying to help.

  4. Immediately stop what you're doing and roll d6 to 1. Detect a ghost and start chasing it, 2. Mjau, 3. Furiously scratch your ear, 4. Stretch as if your life depended on it, 5. Find something new and destroy it, 6. Lick your groin.
